Key Topics
The Female Reproductive Tract

The two ovaries lie in shallow peritoneal depressions (ovarian fossa) at the side of the pelvic wall. Blood supply is via ovarian artery and vein. Fallopian tubes 'collect' egg and deliver to uterus. Tubes lined with cilia which grow cyclically. Fertilization usually occurs in ampulla of tube. Blood supply via uterine and ovarian arteries. Uterus is a muscular bag with three layers in wall; perimetrium, myometrium and endometrium. Vagina - fibromusular canal, highly distendable, lined with mucous membrane, supplied by vaginal, uterine, internal pudendal + middle rectal branches of interior iliac artery.


Reproductive Tracts of Male and Female
+ Follicle
+ Primary Follicle
+ Hypotaxis
+ Follicle Growth
+ Menstrual Cycle
+ Secondary Follicle
+ Gonad-Cell Theory


Seminiferous Tubule 

Cross Section of Seminiferous Tubule

+ Mature Spermatozoan
      + Spermatogenesis
+ Hypothalmic
