Key Topics
Hypothalmic - Pituitary - Testicular Axis

This is very similar to the female in that the system is controlled by pituitary release of LH + FSH under the stimulation of hypothalamic GnRH release. LH stimulates the conversion of cholesterol to testosterone in the Leydig cell and testosterone stimulates spermatogenesis. FSH stimulates Sertoli cells to produce proteins required for spermatogenesis and others that feedback on pituitary and Leydig cells. Testosterone is aromatised to oestradiol in Sertoli cell.


Reproductive Tracts of Male and Female
+ Follicle
+ Primary Follicle
+ Hypotaxis
+ Follicle Growth
+ Menstrual Cycle
+ Secondary Follicle
+ Gonad-Cell Theory


Seminiferous Tubule 

Cross Section of Seminiferous Tubule

+ Mature Spermatozoan
      + Spermatogenesis
+ Hypothalmic